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Frequently Asked Questions | Data Analytics

Frequently Asked Questions

Data Analytics

In this section, you will find frequently asked questions related to the Data Analytics program. For other questions, please navigate on side menu.

What is the duration of the course for this master's program?

If no prerequisites are needed, you will take ten (10) courses, comprising thirty (30) credits, for the completion of this master’s degree.

Most students complete the program within two years, but it can be completed in less time if the student takes four classes in one semester (with department’s approval).

Fall and Spring courses generally meet in the evenings, once a week for three hours, while the limited Summer schedule of courses meet on a more intensive schedule (if there are summer courses for the MSDA program).

Can anyone with a bachelor’s degree join the MSDA program without needing pre-requisites?

Anyone with a bachelor's degree requires undergraduate computer science courses and a basic statistics course to join the MSDA program. Students without these courses can take 6 credits of preparatory courses before matriculating into the MSDA program.

What is the difference from your Data Analytics & Database Systems concentration in the MS in Information Systems program?

The MS in Data Analytics program and the MSIS concentration of Data Analytics and Database Systems program differ in the following ways:

a. Required course in Statistics
MS in Data Analytics - Yes
MSIS concentration of Data Analytics and Database Systems - No

b. Required course in Technology Strategic Management
MS in Data Analytics - No
MSIS concentration of Data Analytics and Database Systems – Yes

c. Required course in Written and Oral Communications for Managers
MS in Data Analytics - No
MSIS concentration of Data Analytics and Database Systems – Yes

d. Required course in Technology Project Management
MS in Data Analytics - No
MSIS concentration of Data Analytics and Database Systems – Yes

This allows students in the MS in Data Analytics program to take more technical courses in programming for analytics and in data visualization for analytics, whereas the MSIS concentration of Data Analytics and Database Systems is not as technical a program.

Can you share the fee structure for the course?

It's $1020 per credit for the 30 credit program. Please talk with the program director as there may be scholarships available for MSDA students.

More detailed information about the tuition fees here.