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Quick, Easy Way to Reduce Eye Strain

The Eye Stress Relieving Exercise: For people who spend time on a computer/phone or reading

digital eye strain

In today's world, many people work remotely either full-time or part-time. Therefore, professionally, they are spending at least 7 hours glued to the computer screen. In addition, many individuals who work in offices also spend most of their working day using a computer.

For recreation and information, people use their computers and cell phones constantly.

As a result, people are fixed on screens for a large portion of their waking time. This can lead to eye fatigue. This type of fatigue can decrease a person’s productivity in the workplace, at school, etc.

According to - Americans report experiencing following symptoms of digital eye strain:

  • 32.4% report experiencing eye strain
  • 27.2% report experiencing dry eyes
  • 27.7% report experiencing headaches
  • 27.9% report experiencing blurred vision

If you are spending too much time in front of a computer or device, check out this quick and easy exercise to improve your vision:

Part One: Slow blinking

  • Breathe slowly and deeply
  • As you inhale, look at a distant object like something across the room or something through the window.
  • As you exhale, close your eyes, and relax.
  • Continue to look at distant objects then close your eyes in time to your breathing. 

*Try this for 45 seconds*

Part Two: Squeeze blinking

  • Breathe slowly and deeply.
  • As you inhale, look at a distant object like something across the room or something through the window.
  • As you exhale, close your eyes, and gently squeeze your eyelid muscle like hugging your eyes. Do not frown or move any other muscles.
  • Continue to look at distant objects and squeeze your eyelid muscles in time to your breathing.
*Try this for 45 seconds*

*Try this for 45 seconds*

  • Breathe slowly and deeply.
  • Slowly roll your eyes and complete circles, one way then the other. Concentrate on developing good coordination with the muscles fully stretched at all times.
*Try this for 45 seconds*

Learn More:
American Vision Institute Power Vision Program
This blog is brought to you by Touro GST in collaboration with The American Vision Institute.

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