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WMM Advanced Certificates

WMM Advanced Certificates
(F-1 students are not eligible for Advanced Certificate programs)

UX/UI Design

Web and Digital Design

3D Modeling and Digital Animation

Study Synchronously Online or On Campus: It's Your Choice

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Candidates who have a bachelor’s degree can enroll in GST’s Advanced Certificate Programs. Upon completion, students who want to enroll in GST’s WMM Master’s Program would have to take the remaining preparatory courses if that curriculum is missing from their undergraduatetranscript. The requirements for admissions will be similar to admissions requirements for GST’s WMM Master’s Program, including a minimum 3.0 GPA.

What opportunities are out there for students that complete Touro’s Advanced Certificates?

Certificate programs and bootcamps can quickly get sudents’ skills up to speed and preparethem for jobs within just a few months of completion, depending on their effort. Certificate programs and bootcamps are indeed helpful in giving students the basic skills needed to get a job in UX/UI design, web design, or animation/3D modeling. A certificate requires a shorter time investment and has a lasting benefit for those who earn one in specific in‐demand technology and design fields. GST’s Advanced Certificate Program can open doors to careers in intro‐level positions in UX/UI Design, Product Design, Web Design, Web Development, 3D/2D Animation, and 3D Modeling, etc.

UX/UI design is one of the top five in‐demand skills according to a LinkedIn report shared. Their survey respondents also expected their design teams to grow by an average of 21%. This survey cites UI/UX designers as the most in‐demand product design job.

Each post‐baccalaureate Advanced Certificate would be 12 credits (4 courses each), and some of the courses could be used to earn a Master’s of UX/UI & Interaction Design Degree if the student chooses to continue into the WMM Program after completion. Students that complete the Advanced Certificate Program will also receive a micro‐badge. The courses identified for the advanced certificate programs are currently offered and attended by WMM Master of Arts Candidates. The minimum number of students enrolled in any certificate cadre is an addition to the MA students that register for those courses.